
Apakah Anda punya potensi di bidang website & aplikasi? Apakah Anda ingin menjadi bagian dari tim kami? Jika Anda punya potensi, saatnya berkarir di perusahaan Startup Kami. Cukup melamar posisi di bawah ini!

Penulis Website

Jika Anda mempunyai kreatifitas dalam menulis sebuah karya tulis yang menarik, maka kami membutuhkan "Penulis/Writer Website" yang cakap dalam menyampaikan bahasa untuk dituangkan dalam sebuah karya tulis.

  • Mampu mengoperasikan MS. Word, Wordpad, dan Notepad.
  • Mampu menganalisis informasi yang trending di mesin pencari.
  • Penulis Blog
  • Mengerti Tentang Tulisan di Blog/Website
  • Peluang Kontrak dengan Perusahaan Besar
  • Peluang untuk pengembangan profesional
  • Gaji yang menarik
Jika Anda tertarik dan memenuhi ketentuan di atas, silakan kirim CV, rincian pribadi, dan contoh proyek yang pernah dibuat (jika ada) melalui alamat e-mail cc:

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Writer English

This project is for writing for a internet marketing review site. You will be talking about the pros and cons for certain products. This job is ongoing depending on the quality and fit of the writer. We looking for a writer who is willing and capable of writing 300 to 1000 word articles.

  • good working knowledge of English
  • Article Writing
  • Blog Writing
  • Content Writing
  • Creative Writing
  • Internet Research
  • SEO Writing
  • Great job in a reputable company
  • Interesting projects for leading brands
  • Opportunity for professional development
  • Attractive salary
Those interested and meet the above conditions, please send your CV together with personal details by e-mail address cc:

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Web Developer

We’re looking for a talented and experienced Frontend developer to join our team.

  • Knowledge of English Active or English passive
  • Knowledge of Photoshop
  • Knowledge HTML5
  • Knowledge PHP, CSS or Jss
  • Knowledge Wordpress
  • Knowledge of Responsive Web Design
  • Great job in a reputable company
  • Interesting projects for leading brands
  • Opportunity for professional development
  • Attractive salary
Those interested and meet the above conditions, please send your CV together with personal details by e-mail address cc:

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Tokowebpedia is a Sulawesi Selatan based digital agency, we design and develop amazing websites and digital products. We’re looking for a talented and experienced Webdesigner to join our team.

  • good working knowledge of English
  • knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite
  • creativity and extraordinary approach
  • knowledge of current trends
  • experience in similar position
  • knowledge of responsive web design
  • Great job in a reputable company
  • Interesting projects for leading brands
  • Opportunity for professional development
  • Attractive salary
Those interested and meet the above conditions, please send your CV together with personal details by e-mail address cc:

Mobile Developer Apps

Mobile developers are a type of software developer. We’re looking for a talented and experienced Mobile Developer Apps to join our team.

  • good working knowledge of English
  • Programming languages such as C#, Java, Objective-C
  • Strong organisational skills
  • Mathematical aptitude
  • Drive to keep up to date with developments and trends in the tech and modern media world
  • The ability to learn quickly
  • The ability to interpret and follow technical plans
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Strong communication skills
  • Android and iOS app & platform development companies.
  • Great job in a reputable company
  • Interesting projects for leading brands
  • Opportunity for professional development
  • Attractive salary
Those interested and meet the above conditions, please send your CV together with personal details by e-mail address cc:

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